Congratulations, Oscar Hanson!!

It can now be announced, the winner of the $3,000 2024 Clambake Society Scholarship is Oscar Hanson!

Hailing from Rhinelander, WI, our 19th scholarship recipient is known for one of the more deeply random and starkly trivial-but-it-can’t-be-trivial-because-it-stuck-with-him “interesting mistake” stories we’ve seen, and for an intricate, deeply considered, and, let’s just say “overengineered”, preference coding scheme he cooked up for fun… Without putting any of the specifics onto the internet, we loved how unapologetically real and unconventional his answers were.

At our seventh not-exactly-annual fundraiser, Oscar was honored, and granted this one-of-a-kind Certificate of Outstanding Winning.
Oscar’s headed to UW-Stevens Point in the fall to study data analytics, and we’re excited to see where he goes from there.

Once again, we thank all the applicants, and wish we could have given out more scholarships, because this was truly a great batch of applications.

help us pummel the kids with money

FUNDRAISER!! This coming Saturday!!

Have you bought your ticket to the 2024 Clambake Society Scholarship fundraiser, Saturday the 18th yet?? If not, you’re not alone. Statistically, up to 97% of people in America have not. But if you act now, you can change that.

We recently added a $20 “Jazz and Cocktails Only – 7:15 PM” ticket for folks who aren’t that hungry–one drink included. Come and hang out, bid on an amazing array of silent auction items including some great travel prizes, a signed Packers football, a kids tandem bike trailer, and 3 cubic yards of mulch. Get in on the raffle, hang out, help the kids, have a good time. Saturday May 18th! Buy Tickets Now! Help us pummel the kids with bags of money.

Scholarshi’p is back baby. It’s good again. Awoouu (wolf Howl)

We’re back again with another scholarship for 2024. You know the drill. Not sure why you’d know the drill when this is the first year you’re a senior, but we said it and now we’re going to post through it. $3000 for a 2024 RHS graduate, payable to the not-for-profit school of your choice. Winner announced at the RHS scholarship event or maybe the day before that. Here’s the 2024 Scholarship Form. Show us something good, or tell us good things. All part of that drill we were just talking about, surely you know it now.

Love these wolf logo things, here’s a bunch more of them.

Don’t do this for your application.

2023 Clambake Society Scholarship?! WINNER. Shi Qi Tang!!!!!!


Her application was a delight from start to finish, from the printout of our questions, through the interesting mistake section, to the time travel section… Should we spoil what kinds of answers we’re looking for? Guess so? But yeah, not the personal details. So suffice to say, it was a heartfelt, serious and thoughtful, but still lighthearted discussion of family and the passage of time and the changes in our selves, our families, and societies. Interesting, wise, and optimistic. Shi Qi is headed to UW-Madison in the fall, where we’re sure she’ll do great things.

As we’ve thought many times over the past several years, it’s a shame we couldn’t meet our winner or any of the other finalists. We love hearing from all of you and getting this little window into your lives, and we’re excited to see where life takes all of you. However little it may be in years like this, we appreciate being some small part of your lives, and remaining in touch with the community. We can’t go back and erase all our failings-to-appear-in-person-in-Rhinelander, but we will be there again, soon. (too lazy to do this now, but imagine a countdown timer here, to the date when our teaser post will appear)

2022 Clambake Society Scholarship! Winner!! Liana! Teter!

Congratulations to Liana Teter, the winner of the $3,000 2022 Clambake Society Scholarship!!

Among other highlights, she was concerned she may not have cared about bowling soon enough. It’s a terrible shame when it happens, but we’ve all been there. Not caring about bowling soon enough. There’s actually a subreddit about it. Left as an exercise for you to find but please don’t find it because this is a joke or is it, yes it is, definitely.

Unrelatedly here’s our new Mastodon account.

Congratulations to 2020 Clambake Society Scholarship winner Maile Llanos!

Congratulations to Maile Llanos on the occasion of winning the 2020 Clambake Society Scholarship! The speech was excellent, the mistake, interesting, and Ellis Island was a nice touch. All in all, exactly the kind of thing we were looking for this year! This post was backdated because things have been crazy this year, and we hope everything went well the rest of the school year for you, and all the other 2020 RHS graduates and applicants. No one deserves to have a pandemic mess with your senior year, or any year, like this, and you handled it with grace and courage.*

* as far as we can tell from far away. don’t think too hard about it. seriously congrats and good luck

How the Clambake Society Scholarship is Responding to the Coronavirus

At the Clambake Society Scholarship, we take your health seriously. In all likelihood, nothing we do will make the slightest bit of difference to your health, but we take your health seriously, because, you know, it’s scary out there. So we wanted to let you know what precautions we’re taking to protect your health and that of your loved ones:

  • we have no office
  • you should not try to visit us
  • our members are observing limitations on large group gatherings by 1) being a group of not that many people, and 2) not gathering
  • if we experience symptoms like fever or shortness of breath, we will still mostly not be anywhere near you
  • as always, if you need to transact business with us, you may do so online
  • ** although it’s unclear whether our future winner will be attending college in person this fall, our scholarship selection and gifting process will continue unchanged. if the winner is unable to attend their chosen school this fall, we will be happy to wait a year, and possibly more if there are extraordinary circumstances, to send their check. **

Stay safe out there, everybody.